Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Florence in Summary

Florence in Summary…
The Leonardo Hostel is awesome, however it doesn’t supply towels so we dried off with T-shirts
Ashley did laundry and met this bizarre American man. He said his name was Ray, but his friends call him Marcello??? RayMarcello loves Barack Obama and hates Sarah Palin. He wanted to talk about politics forever, but Ashley just wanted to do Laundry.
There are dogs everywhere in Florence…they poop on the streetz
We trekked up to the top of the Piazza Michelangelo for an absolutely amazing view of the entirety of Florence. It reminded us a bit like Sacre Coeur. Our legs are sore.
We had the absolutely most amazing gelato near the Santa Croce…we were so focused on this ice cream
That we ate it in silence and almost cried when it was finished. We recommend the cookie and cheese cake flavors.
We accidentally ended up in the middle of a marathon.
While in the Uffizi, looking at the Venus of Urbino, a mom asked her three-year-old daughter what she noticed in the picture (probably thinking the girl would say a dog)…instead the girl shouted, “ I see her boobies!”--We laughed so hard, the mom did not.
Note to Spanish speakers, Italian and Spanish are much more different that you think.
Michelangelo’s David is absolutely larger than life.
Florence is cool.

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